The 30-Day Body Transformation
"Wow!" Are my thoughts as I admire the transformation Heather went through.
The experience of achieving a fitness goal can lift the spirit in amazing ways. It's the little things, like being able to zip up a pair of "use-to-be-tight" jeans, to big things such as building confidence in one's own abilities. In the end, you get to say, "I did it!" And, that is huge! People often begin a journey but they don't always see it through to the end, leading to that feeling of always trying, trying, and trying again. Heather did it! Not only did Heather show significant changes in her waist line, but also an enhanced fitness ability. I noticed her drive to "push" increased with each workout as they became easier and easier. Her results showed that she became stronger and faster at everything she did.
I'm extremely proud of Heather and honored to be a part of her journey. Her experience taught me that there are many ways to gain focus of a mission. Heather's thoughts on what she learned from this program speaks volumes on why a 30 Day commitment can make all the difference.
Congratulations Heather! You are amazing!!
~Meche Haflich, FitBody Studio Owner
Heather Before the 30-Day Program - 12/1/13 |
Heather AFTER the 30-Day Program - 1/3/14 |
HEATHER ON 12/1/13
Weight: 168.2
Height: 5'2"
Body Fat: 35.4%
Lean Body Mass: 107.3 lbs.
Body Fat Mass: 58.8 lbs.
Waist: 39.5 inches
Hips: 44 inches
Weight: 159.6 (Achievement: Lost 8.6 pounds)
Height: 5'2"
Body Fat: 31.4% (Achievement: Lost 4% Body Fat)
Lean Body Mass: 109.3 lbs. (Achievement: gained 2 pounds of MUSCLE)
Body Fat Mass: 50.2 lbs. (Achievement: lost 8 pounds of FAT)
Waist: 37 inches (Achievement: lost 2 1/2 inches around her waist)
Hips: 44 inches (Achievement: lost 1 1/4 inches around her hips)
What I learned during the 30 Day Transformation
I feel like I have so many things to
relate to readers of this blog, i almost don't know where to begin. Let me start with the BIGGEST overall thing
(besides Meche’s mentoring) that has contributed to my success.
An image Heather created that we will use
in the 30-Day Body Transformation Booklet. |
In the beginning, I set out with a goal of losing some weight, but this transformation has become so much more than that.
I have been completely immersed in the language of fitness. Having faced the challenge, I no longer have to search my thoughts for the correct "answer" on how to conquer it. Through repetition, I now know the "answer" instinctively. I don’t speak the language fluently, but I am becoming quite proficient, and confident enough to try speaking it on my own, in my daily interactions.
I have begun to experience the kind of happy feeling that comes from completely losing myself in an activity. I didn’t ever think I would like running or working out. It all felt like a chore. Lately though, I have found myself smiling during my cardio intervals. I don’t know if you can get runners high on a treadmill, but sometimes I get so lost in the activity, I surprise myself. Me? Enjoy this? I have always been thrilled when a workout ends. Usually thinking “Thank goodness that’s over with!” It is quite a new sensation to enjoy the working out and I am so grateful for it.
I have had a full immersion baptism in SWEAT!
My thoughts before fitbody: "Exercising and Eating Clean? That’s for models or health nuts who don’t know how to enjoy life!" Little did I know that a year and a half later, I would consider this lifestyle to be anything but skin deep. The people who pursue better health, whom I have met during my journey, are among the deepest, kindest, and most full-of-life folks I have yet known. This isn’t a coincidence I think.
Sometimes the girl who ascends the stairs from the basement weight room at FitBody Studio is a different girl than the one who descended an hour before. If I am in the midst of a battle in my heart or mind or have conflicting emotions or grudges, you can be assured that it is always resolved by the end of a workout. I don’t know what it is exactly, but sometimes when I feel weak or petty, I can recall the sensation of pushing beyond what I thought my limit was during a workout and I think “I am better than this!”
Immersed in the Joy of Cooking a simple Meal.
Preparing good food is amazing too. By the time I started this transformation, my hubby and I had consumed so much carry out and fast food, (we were on a pretty crazy schedule) that our first Sit-Down-at-the-Table-and-eat-a-Home-cooked-Meal experience was amazing. We have more enjoyment in the art of a simple dinner. I am not an excellent cook, but I am very good at following directions. Developing this connection to the food that nourishes my body has been an important part of my journey too.
Spiritual Immersion: I first learned the word “IMMERSION” in a
religious context, when I witnessed my dad perform a full immersion baptism at
a swimming pool, because there wasn’t a “dunk tank” (as I call it) at the base
chapel. The individual was tilted back
and submerged completely under the water.
In my understanding as a child, this was symbolic of burying your old
self and rising up as a person made new in faith.
Learning Immersion: When I entered High School, I studied both Spanish and German every year until I graduated. Although I became proficient enough, I never
developed a deep understanding of the language and in fact have forgotten a lot
of what I learned. One of the methods we
were encouraged to pursue for learning to speak a language fluently was
“immersion”, often through a study abroad program in which you live for several
months completely surrounded by the language, usually with a family that spoke
the language as their first language.
The Joy of Immersion: The most recent thing I have learned about
“immersion” was in a documentary on happiness called Happy. A recurring message I gleaned was about
something called “flow” when you lose yourself in an activity so much that it
is effortless and enjoyable. I have felt
this feeling of being completely lost in this joy when I paint, and now I am
learning that the joy of immersion is not limited to painting.
I now know that to become a master of any skill, immersion is the key to success!