Saturday, August 31, 2013

Strong is Beautiful!

I would label the 7th week of competition training as an "adjustment" period.  I literally could not walk straight for three days after our intense leg workout... massage therapy, epsom salt baths and Ibuprofen to the rescue!! I had been lifting as heavy as I could every day and was doing cardio 6 days per week from 20 to 60 minutes. Over doing it? Um, yea, a little bit. Monday, right after work, I wandered right into bed and sleep for 10 hours. (Note to self: Always wash your face even when you are about to pass out or you will break out. Ugh!) Although a bit run down, mentally my mind was still very 'fired' up. I admit I did get a little cranky at the beginning of this week... I think a few of my personal training clients may have suffered from this. Hahaha! (I was in the "No, Mercy" mode.) This crankiness was mostly due to my attempt to find the right balance in my nutrition plan. I convinced myself more calories were needed and after consulting with a fitness coach we agreed I should eat at least another 200 calories per day. I found out that she eats 3,000 calories per day, while I had landed at 1,500. Grant it, she can bench press over 280 pounds to my measly 100 pounds. Holy Cow! All that to say, by the end of the these two weeks of focus, I lost 5lbs... which made me a little sad for fear some muscle may have been waisted, but leanness was quickly noticed.

To keep mentally 'tough' and 'entertained', I took in a lot of influence from my surroundings.  A funny resource came from my dear friend Cheryl, Awkward Gym Moments. Busted me up... Here's the link if you want to check it out:

On another occasion at the gym, I saw a young girl (mid-20's) wearing a t-shirt that said, "STRONG IS BEAUTIFUL!" Right on!! I loved it and used that thought in my next workout set. It reminded me of a time from lifting days in my early 20's... so long ago, hummm. :) I recall thinking, as a young girl, that a certain weight lifted was enough. "Oh! I don't want too get too big." A statement I once said and hear frequently from clients when I ask them to lift heavier. Oh how I wish I could erase this kind of thinking from every person who has ever thought this. That very thought is limiting a potential. It comes from a 'fear' versus a 'discovery' of what's possible. And, I truly believe, if that thought barrier is broken that literally anything is possible. My answer to that statement is.... "Well, WHEN we get TOO big then we'll cut back."

The truth is muscle is like gold! It does take work to keep it. Often times, beyond what we think we can do. I always say, "When you feel like you can't do any more reps, do at least three more!!!" :) Okay, off to the gym I go.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


There will always be a time when we have to debate a choice. For instance: To workout or not to workout?

My first hard week of training and dieting went great, but by the end of the week I started to feel fatigue set-in. I realized that I ate too little carbs that week. By Friday, the day after my incline workout, I felt like I was bonking all day. Saturday I ran in a 5K Dirty Dash. I was a bit sluggish, but it was a blast. I prepped for weight lifting that afternoon and gave myself a pre-workout protein shake to get my energy boost. Unfortunately, the shake did not agree with me. I headed to the gym anyway. As I sat in the parking lot I decided that if I worked out I might puke. So I left, but planned to go back later. I had a 5:30pm appointment and by the time I was done it was almost 8pm. I was tired. I thought, "Could I get away with skipping lifting tonight?" Maybe. "Would I let myself down?" Most definitely. I forced the car to steer in the direction of the gym and stepped through the door. Made it! "Be strong," said the voice in my head.

No matter what fitness level we are at, from amateur to professional. The choice to open the door must always be made. I'm keeping the door propped open. :)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Quest

What kind of quest is a fitness competition? It is more than what it appears to be. It's a journey that changes you, not just physically. It also tests you mentally and spiritually. It is first the decision to a commitment of challenge. The basic rules: Lift intense, fuel your body and sweat! Sound fun? We'll find out as I journal all the steps to compete in the 2013 GNC Natural Colorado Open Physique Contest on October 12th.