COUNT DOWN. I'm at the the last 4 weeks to prepare for the contest. Thankfully, I placed a little vaca time in at this point (before I even knew I was going to jump on this contest "wagon") and it landed perfectly at the time I was starting to "cinch" it up a little more. The first three weeks of competition prep have been getting into what I call, "setting the zone." As they say it takes 21 days to make a habit... i've been finding my way. Week one, I was in "super gung-ho" mode. So-much-so that I over-did it, lost 5 pounds too quick and a bit of energy along with it. Week two, I made adjustments to fuel my "fire" back up and I actually forced myself to take a day of recovery and eat more. Week three, my lifting power increased and food details got on my nerves. But, I did learn how to make really tasty steak (now, one of my favorite meals. yum!)
I've kept cardio at 5 times per week and added more intervals. As well, I added a weight vest to my incline workouts, though I did decide to make it a half-way "run". It was actually kind of fun. Here's a silly picture I took of my new weight vest. I love it!
Each week my to-do list has grown, challenging my time management skills. Along with the incessant cooking, lifting, cardio, and, oh, my job. I've also added a daily practice of posing (flexing every muscle as hard as possible in different poses) and tanning (or else competitors with "pastey" white skin look like their muscles have deflated). I've sacrificed sleep on certain days, but I try to make up for it on other days (i realize sleep can't really be made up, but hey we adjust). This past week I picked my posing song, "Fun House" by Pink and created the parts of the song to condense into a minute. As well, I met with the seamstress who will custom make my itsy-bitsy bikini (and, just because it's itsy-bitsy doesn't mean the price tag is. LOL! But it will be hot! She does amazing work).
I did have a "sort-of last" cheat meal the day before the official four week mark. By normal standards I believe most would not call it cheating, but it felt like it. I "pigged-out" on kale chips, carrots, hummus, and peanut butter (i know, soooo exciting. lol!) It was a moment of ravenous hunger and I thought, "eat food, just keep it clean." I ate to the point of no-more-room and I did feel guilty for feeling my stomach reach that "uncomfortable-fullness" stage, but the next day my guilt went away, as i reminisced on how every spoonful of peanut butter was so delicious... I think I needed a pig out meal. Ha!
Now, my little R&R vaca is a time to "re-group" and it has been great, though I'm a little envious of family who can partake in the eats and drinks without a concern. "Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts," I tell myself as I eye the temptations all around. Ha!Ha! I'm traditionally a pretty strong-willed person and I typically don't have a problem with avoiding "forbidden" food. But, it's true, when we restrict a bit too much, the inevitable temptation will raise its unruly head. I've learned how to get a little creative in making a food or drink "treat" for myself that takes the edge of those "temptations." Ginger Tea with Vanilla Creme Stevia, almost tastes like ginger ale. I know, my taste buds are quite skewed. Ha!
Now, at four weeks to go I'm kicking up the fierce determination... so here i go.