Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Struggled with cardio then I saw this guy!

(10/29/13) This week my cardio goal has been to do an hour for 5 days of the week, 30 minutes  in the morning and 30 in the evening. Some sessions include intervals and some just a steady state. 

Today, I really struggled getting the "umph" to start my morning off with a 30 min treadmill run. I chose to sleep in, and skip the morning cardio. I do try to rest when I feel a bit run down, and then push the intensity up on the "up" days. I admit, I felt pretty guilty for skipping. Later, I drove to the gym at 7:30pm to one-30 minute bout of cardio in but I was still having to convince myself to get the energy up. I, ever so slowly, walked through the gym door and toward the Step Mill. "Just do this," was the mantra I tried repeated to get the energy going. Then, I looked up toward the treadmills and saw this guy! Wow, was I impressed. He was wearing an Elevation Training Mask. Here is the theory on using this tool by the makers of the Training Mask: 

See the guy to the left?
"The Training Mask is a resistance system reducing air flow through our patent pending flux valve system. Training Mask 2.0 promotes increased lung capacity by forcing you to inhale fuller deeper breaths. When your body adapts to the resistance your lungs will be trained to take deeper breaths and use oxygen more efficiently."

 This guy was running at a high speed and it was just what I needed to get a bit more "zippy". Thank you guy! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Rocky....

After my body building competition of  2004
2004 Body Building Competition
I aspired to compete in a natural show. I wanted an even playing field with other muscle building naturals. However, at the Oct 12th GNC Natural Colorado Open there were no other Physique Competitors (by the way, this category was created last year to be geared toward competitors focused on building feminine muscle versus the big and bulky) so I only competed in the Figure category and decided that I would compete in the MetRX Rocky Mountain Competition in Golden, CO on Saturday, November 16th (not a Natural Show). (

I will enter as a Figure competitor once again, and in addition I will see how I measure up in the Physique category.  I will potentially be  up against the "non-natural" but it is what it is and I'm going to give it my best! It has been almost two weeks since the last show and i've been making adjustments in strategy, while staying on my fitness track and continuing clean eating. This weekend sets the tone for the final three weeks of climbing to that Rocky Mountain. The strategies to be told soon....

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Show Time!! Results are in....

The girls glue their bikini's down to ensure everything
stays where it's suppose to. :) 

Girls getting ready to walk out on stage
Yes, we had "cabana" oil guys!! LOL!  
Behind the curtains all classes line up.

hanging out with bikini competitor
Bianca Meehan
Running poses through my head. Okay
I could be slightly nervous. :) 

Cheese! Going on in 3,2,1.... (wow, the boobs look big from this angle.
Nope. Objects are not larger than they appear! Ha! Ha!) 
Received 4th Place in the Masters Division
& 3rd Place in the Open Division!


My girls Cindy Jensen and Tara Hawbaker who motivated
me when I needed it most! You are amazing!

My Wonderful Friends!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Backstage prep

Staying robed up for primp time. I feel like a Tom boy trying to keep up with the Barbies. Hahaha!
Pacing a little bit, but staying relaxed. At least for now. Just found out they added me to the Figure Masters group (yes I'm over 40! But hey, it's the new 30 right?! Ha!)
They have staff who glue your bikin down and guys in paint gear who will tan and oil you down. Too funny and kind of a sight to see! 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Tanned, Parched and Pumped

The day before the show I am prepped and ready to go. I started the morning at 5am to get my last cardio session and a little dry sauna in before the layers of tanning spray would be caked on my skin. Oh how the bronzie orange tan makes me long for a trip to Cancun but  after the third layer of spray and 90 minutes of dry time, I felt like i was in the Antarctic. (Brrrrrr).

Also, my water intake decreased for the day (to rid water trapped in the skin) so little pangs of thirst hit, but the sips of water were somewhat quenchin.

Now, it's time for beauty sleep! 

Ready to hit it!

Competitors ancy at the info meet:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pics of the new "Suit"!

Practicing posing in the fancy new suit. It's amazing how a really well made bikini, with a lot of BLING, can make you feel a little glamorous!


We also practice walking....


Sunday, October 6, 2013

The itsy bitsy RED bikini

I'm on the last week to show time!! Excited. Nervous. Disappointed.

This weekend I received some news that has altered my competition plans. I found out the my Show has low entries. While they have 160 registered competitors, it turns out that I am the only registered Physique competitor! Well, I'm not one who likes to win by default, so I have made a new commitment.... Since, apparently, I missed the memo that said, "everyone go to the Rocky Show!" So, I will do just that! Bring it!

This past week I have made good progress in my body fat goal. I have dropped calories below 1400, increased water intake to 128 to 160 ounces, increased cardio to 35-50 minutes and started full body lifting workouts. I have reached 9% body fat and I hope to lose another 1% by the end of this week. My energy level has relied upon black coffee with stevia on occasion, but surprisingly my spirits are still higher than they were in my last competition in 2004. I attribute this to a much higher content of fat in my diet. Last year I was schooled by a holistic nutritionist and now I am a firm believer in eating healthy fats to sustain energy and build muscle. I typically eat 40% fat in my diet, though I did drop it to 30% for the contest. I have kept it there this whole time. It has served me well, I do believe.

On to the bikini...
I am so excited to have a custom made competition suit by master mind Laura Richards. She designs these suits to wear well! And, as you may (or may not) have noticed some of my body parts have enhanced over my training weeks, while others have well... disappeared. (okay, I'm talking about my boobs. Ha!) I missed out on getting the genes for boobs any way, but now they too are even more itsy-bitsy (like the suit). EXCEPT Laura's suits give you a special enhanced look and it rocks! More pics to come with me in the suit.