Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Rocky Experience

My friend Ken and I. Say, "Cheeeeeeese!"

The Rocky was an intense show. There were over 380 competitors. The Pre-Judging Show started at 8am. My Physique category started at about 8:30 am. I warmed up, oiled up and got pumped up. I was out on the stage for a lickety-split and the initial adrenaline pump was so intense that I could not stop the "shakes" when flexing on stage. I breathed through to stay calm but the muscles were amped and kept shaking. Fortunately, points are not deducted for the shakes. LOL! I placed 3rd in Physique. The Figure category was next, but due to the number of entries and that it was the last category during pre-judging I did not get out on stage until about 4:30pm (which was when the Night show was suppose to begin!) They post-poned the night show until 6:30pm, which started with Bikini, then Figure, then Women's Physique. I think next year I will only do one category!!! Ha! I placed 4th in Figure.
The night before the show at check-in.
We are pumped!!

We always have to multi-task at these shows.
Mom helps me get styled, while I eat.
Mom and I ready to face show. :) 

The girls pump up before going out on stage.
Poses from my Physique routine.
I placed 3rd in this category.

The top pic is a line-up of my Physique class. This is my favorite class
all because we get to be barefoot. LOL!
The bottom pic is a line-up of my Figure class.


Figure Front Pose
Figure Back Pose

Physique Posing
Physique Routine Moves
I'm trying to flex as hard as possible
and look smiley. Trickier than it may seem.
Try it!

I placed 3rd. Apparently, me and the girl to my left didn't
hear the announcer say, "Show us your front double bicep."

Here's a tribute to The MEN!!!

My friend Ken and I after the show. We were both exhausted.
The day started at 6am and ended at 10pm (for me).
Ken continued to work the show until midnight when the
 The Rocky event was over. Phew!!
Me and my stuff. Yep, I had moved into the hotel! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Sneak Preview of my Physique Routine

Aaaauuuuuggghhhh!!!!! One day to show time! I'm excited! And, I am so thankful for the people who have pushed me along... my energy has been a bit zapped this week. I thought I was fighting a bug, but then I remembered, "oh yea, I am susceptible to Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (duh! LOL!)."
Grrrrr!!! Ready or not.... tackle!

If you ever feel run down, your body feels "heavy", you get light-headed, have those "flu-like" symptoms, fuzzy thinking and/or have very low blood pressure than you may have this rarely diagnosed Syndrome. The book to read is: "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome".
Basically, the adrenal glands say "HEY! You're stressing me out!" and stop working, which affect a slew of body functions.  I started managing it last year and haven't been bothered until just this past weekend, which I'm sure is due to the stress my body is under with the intense workouts and restricted calories. (I'm so looking forward to the indulging dinner this Saturday!!!) With a bit of extra sleep it seems to be curtailed, thankfully! So, onward we go!!!

The fun of prep week is always interesting, it includes...
Hair Cut & Color
Manicure & Pedicure
Bikini Wax
Exfoliate the Skin
Shave (everything....back, stomach, arms, etc.... all for the spray tan)
Practice Routine
Get Spray Tanned....3 to 4 coats (I'm extra dark this time!)

MY PHYSIQUE ROUTINE: At this contest I have the opportunity to compete in the Physique category and I have put a routine of poses to music. It's a one-minute routine. My friend Cindy videoed me during my last practice, so here is a sneak peak. But, to see my legs you gotta come to the show! LOL!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Having an affair.

My Favorite Peanut Butter!
(11/6/13) Yes, it's true I have to admit it, I am absolutely in love with Peanut Butter! And, while I'm at it I should just say I'm a Nut Butter lover! (No, Nutella does not make the list). Heck, I even love milk butter (from grass fed cows that is) and coconut butter.  Try as I might to limit my consumption, I'm caving in. But, I don't feel guilty!! My latest contest diet plan includes a tablespoon at every meal (or was it a Heaping?) :) And, it's true, I ate more PB than I had put on my last diet... a spoonful here, a spoonful there. Mmmmm good!

Here is something interesting about peanut butter, especially if you are concerned about the Glycemic Index of food, and you are preparing for a contest, trying to shed body fat, lowering your blood glucose levels, etc. (you get the picture). The Glycemic Index I shoot for with my food selection is less than 50. Can you guess what the Glycemic Index of Pure Peanut Butter is (that means it does not have any added sugar/oils... like Jiffy or those "wanna be" butter brands. I'm talking 100% pure butter here)? The answer is.... zero. That's right, peanut butter has exactly 0 effect on insulin/blood glucose levels. 

Yep, so I eat it by the spoonful!!
Spoonfuls are delish!!

My new strategy for these last two weeks until the Rocky has been to introduce Intermittent Fasting (IF) into the plan. Over the past three weeks, articles and people I know have been popping up all over the place with details on Intermittent Fasting. So, I started reading up. I've taken to the trend set by the LeanGains philosophy in which you eat within an 8 hour period and then "fast" the remaining 16 hours.

I found an article to share by Dr. Mercola on his take on why IF is a beneficial strategy to incorporate into your everyday eating plan. 


Today, I'm on day three of IF and so far so good. Day one, I had a slight headache by 9pm but by the next morning I had a lot of energy. My food intake hours have been from 7:30am to 3:30pm. The rest of the time I just drink a lot of water, which is at a minimum of 128 ounces and up to 192 ounces per day. Yes, I pee a LOT. I workout late on Wednesday's so I moved my "feeding" to 9am to 5pm.  Apparently, with the LeanGains strategy, you don't have to eat as strict, but being that I have 1 week and 3 days til the Rocky I am maintaining a fairly strict, clean diet. Though, I am not as traditional "strict" as most contest diets. And, yes, I do get cranky on the strictness once in awhile (i'm sure there are others who might say it's more than once in awhile. Ha!) I do find that if I get a good 8 hours of sleep I feel great, too bad I only got 7 hours last night, watch out. Hee! Hee!

Until tomorrow...