At the 2 week mark Heather has lost 5 pounds!!! And, she is reporting a bit of, what I like to call, exercise addiction. She has actually lost 7 pounds since the "prep-week, a week for us to see how well her diet and exercise expectations felt. Her efforts and commitment is truly commendable. Heather, you are on a roll!!
Hard work does pay off, and often we surprise ourselves when we discover that we are made of a little bit of "dirt and grit". :) The hardest part is the beginning and the second hardest part is the moment when you have that thought, "Oh, this is hard." We can't let that thought win, because nothing worth earning is ever easy. But, it's true it does get easier and then we actually begin to want to push ourselves even harder (oh, those wonderful endorphins). I asked Heather how she was feeling about working out 6 times per week compared to her one pt per week and running days. Below read Heather's "Aha" moments. ~ Meche
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Memory Pic #1: Why oh why am I eating shaved ice and wearing a
jacket on my
beach vacation?
I really should be
wearing a bikini and frolicking in the waves.
One more Aha Moment: Locus of Control: I am learning what an amazing thing it is to admit that I need help. I need people, I deeply appreciate them and crave their presence in my life, but I don't want to begin to think that my success of failure hinges on them. The important thing for me now to learn is to take responsibility for my actions. I am going through a daily exercise of making sure I am taking responsibility for all of my situations. I want the locus of my control to be within me and not something outside of me/outside of my control. This will take some practice.
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Memory Pic #2: Beach Vacations! This
is me two years ago in Kauai. I love my
suit that looks like a mumu dress, but boy oh boy, I cannot wait to trade it in
for a more sporty style of beach wear J
From Heather's personal blog...
Encouragement is the best.
I went to my doctor yesterday to request a note for massage therapy. (I have chronic upper back pain from years of alternating between painting and sitting at a desk).
Through our conversation discussing health and physical activity, I told him about how I had run a half marathon last year, but I had come in after the finish line was closed.
He immediately said “I am going to write something down for you, and I really want you to take it to heart.” With that, he wrote the following on a sticky note:
I was unfamiliar with this, so he explained:
Finished Last is greater than Did Not Finish.
Did Not Finish is greater than Did Not Start.”
That was exactly what I needed to hear.
If you see someone in need of encouragement, don’t hesitate to give it. It is a game changer.
I cannot begin to count the number of times, when I am feeling terrible about myself or feeling like a failure, that my husband, or my parents, or my trainer has told me I am doing a great job. Those few words stop me in my tracks down the mountain, and cause me to turn around and keep climbing.
PS. In addition to giving me a prescription for massage therapy, my Dr. told me it was time for me to sign up for a new half marathon. If anyone has suggestions, I would love to hear them.
You can find one at this site. I love the Rock 'N Roll 1/2 marathons.